Not What My Hands Have Done (E-Book) $10.00

Horatius Bonar and Charles Hodge
300 pages, 2005

Justification by faith alone is the central doctrine of Christianity. The critical question for man is not, What is the best government? or Whom should I marry? but, How can I, a sinner, be accepted by a Holy God? The Biblical answer is that sinners can stand before the face of God only in the righteousness that belongs to another, a righteousness that is not the result of the sinner's effort, but wholly a gift, received freely by faith alone.

But the doctrine of justification by faith alone is either not taught or is actively opposed by most American churches, and now it is under siege in Reformed churches as well, both Baptist and Presbyterian. The emerging consensus in America is that salvation comes by religious experience, and the churches differ merely over which experience is saving: baptism, Mass, religious emotion, ecstatic speech, etc.

Horatius Bonar and Charles Hodge, both 19th-century theologians, left us with one of the best popular explanations of the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone, and one of the best scholarly discussions of the doctrine and its adversaries. These two books, The Everlasting Righteousness by Bonar and Justification by Faith Alone by Hodge, are here combined into one volume. Not What My Hands Have Done offers not only a primer on justification but an advanced course as well. It is must reading for anyone who wants to understand Christianity.


The Everlasting Righteousness, by Horatius Bonar:

Foreword; Preface; God's Answer to Man's Question; God's Recognition of Substitution; The Completeness of the Substitution; The Declaration of the Completeness; Righteousness for the Unrighteous; The Righteousness of God Reckoned to Us; Not Faith, But Christ; What the Resurrection of the Substitute Has Done; The Pardon and the Peace Made Sure; The Holy Life of the Justified

Justification by Faith Alone, by Charles Hodge:

Foreword; Introduction; The Meaning of Justification; Christ's Satisfaction of the Law; The Righteousness of Christ; Confessional Statements of the Doctrine; Justification Is a Forensic Act; Works Not the Ground of Justification; The Righteousness of Christ the Ground of Justification; Imputation of Righteousness; Proof of the Doctrine; The Consequences of the Imputation of Righteousness; Relation of Faith to Justification; Objections to the Protestant Doctrine of Justification; Departures from the Protestant Doctrine; Scripture Index; Index.

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