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Collection 1: Introduction to Economics
Conference on Christianity and Economics (8 lectures)
The Growth of Government in the United States, John Robbins
The Roots and Fruits of the Environmental Movement, E. Calvin Beisner
The Ministry of The Trinity Foundation, Jack Lannom
The Failure of Secular Economic Theory, John Robbins
The Failure of Secular Economic Policy, Ronald Cooper
Justice and Wealth, E. Calvin Beisner
Christian Economists: Do They Know What They Are Doing? Ronald Cooper
The Promise of Christian Economics, John Robbins
Christianity and Economics (2 lectures)
Money, Freedom, and the Bible, John Robbins
Teaching Economics from the Bible, John Robbins
Collection 2: Intermediate Economics
Introduction to Economics, John Robbins (18 lectures)
Common Misconceptions about Economics
Historical Definitions
History of Economics
Method and Definitions
The Axiom of Scripture
The Economic Corollaries of the Axiom
Opportunity Cost
Subjective Value
Marginal Utility
The Law of Supply
The Law of Demand
The Functions of Prices
Values - Moral and Economic
The Ethics of Self-interest and Profit
The Ethics of Competition
Christian Theology
Private Property
Limited Government and Peace
Collection 3: The Gospel and Its Critics
Conference on Christianity and Roman Catholicism (9 lectures)
Bleating Wolves: Evangelicals & Catholics Together, John Robbins
The Structure of the Roman Church-State, Richard Bennett
A Brief History of Roman Persecution, Richard Bennett
The Roman Church-State Doctrine of Authority, Robert Zins
Justification and the Roman Catholic Doctrine of Salvation, Richard Bennett
The Occult and Roman Superstitions, Timothy Kauffman
The Political Thought of the Roman Church-State, John Robbins
The Economic Thought of the Roman Church-State, John Robbins
Romanism and the Westminster Confession, James Bordwine
Justification and Judgment (1 lecture)
A Sermon on Matthew 7:21-23, John Robbins
Collection 4: Defending the Faith, Level 1
Introduction to Apologetics, John Robbins (16 lectures)
Introduction to Apologetics
Historical Apologetics: The Early Church
Historical Apologetics: Augustine
Historical Apologetics: Anselm
Historical Apologetics: Thomas Aquinas
Historical Apologetics: John Calvin and Martin Luther
Historical Apologetics: Joseph Butler and William Paley
Historical Apologetics: Friedrich Schleiermacher and Soren Kierkegaard
Contemporary Apologetics: Twentieth-Century Confusion
Contemporary Apologetics: Scientific Creationism
Biblical Apologetics: The Two Temptations
Biblical Apologetics: Jesus and Scripture
Biblical Apologetics: Jesus and Logic
Biblical Apologetics: Paul and Scripture
Biblical Apologetics: Paul and Logic
Biblical Apologetics: Summary and Conclusion
Evangelism and the Defense of the Faith, John Robbins (1 lecture)
Collection 5: Defending the Faith, Level 2
The Blue Banner Lectures, John Robbins (6 lectures)
Apologetics: Who, What, When, Why, and How?
How Not to Do Apologetics: Evidentialism
How Not to Do Apologetics: Rationalism
How Not to Do Apologetics: Irrationalism
The Apologetics of Jesus and Paul
The Philosophy of Ayn Rand Refuted
Christianity and Science, John Robbins (3 lectures)
The Hoax of Scientific Creationism
The Sagan of Science
The Scientist as Evangelist
Collection 6: Defending the Faith, Level 3
Lectures on Apologetics, Gordon H. Clark (16 lectures)
What Is Apologetics?
Is Christianity a Religion? Part 1
Is Christianity a Religion? Part 2
Is Christianity a Religion? Part 3
- Empiricism
- Veridicalism
Veridicalism and Empiricism
- Rationalism
Religious Experientialism and Irrationalism
- Irrationalism
Language, Truth, and Revelation, Part 1
Language, Truth, and Revelation, Part 2
Language, Truth, and Revelation, Part 3
John Frame and Cornelius Van Til
A Christian Construction, Part 1
A Christian Construction, Part 2
Collection 7: Introduction to Christian Philosophy
Thinking Biblically, John Robbins (18 lectures)
- What
Is Thinking?
The Attack on Thinking
- Why Think?
The Definition of God
Man as the Image of God
The Virtue of Rationality
- Knowledge
of God
Knowledge of Ourselves
- The
Glory of God
Propositional Revelation 1
Propositional Revelation 2
Heavenly Things, Not Earthly Things
Thinking About Non-Christian Ideas
Logic: Truth and Propositions
- Logic:
- The World
- The Flesh
- The Devil
Collection 8: Christian Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy from a Christian Perspective, John Robbins (15 lectures)
What Is Philosophy?
What Good Is Philosophy?
Beware of Philosophy
Introduction to Political Philosophy
Political Philosophy: Biblical Answers
- Ethics
Ethics: Biblical Answers
The Nature of the Universe, Part 1
The Nature of the Universe, Part 2
The Nature of the Universe: Biblical Answers
- Science,
Part 1
- Science,
Part 2
Science: Biblical Answers
- Epistemology
Epistemology: Biblical Answers
Collection 9: Introduction to Christian Theology
Lectures on Theology, Gordon H. Clark (5 lectures)
How Does Man Know God?
- Time
and Eternity
The Puritans and Situation Ethics
The Decline of Theology in America
Questions and Answers
Lectures on the Holy Spirit, Gordon H. Clark (5 lectures)
The Holy Spirit Is a Person
Knowledge and Persons
- Regeneration
- Sanctification
Non-Christian Views
Collection 10: Christian Theology
Download the whole book without chapter divisions:
What Do Presbyterians Believe? Gordon H. Clark
Download by chapters:
- Readers
- Preface
to the Revised Edition
- Preface
- Introduction
- Concerning
I. - Of the Holy Scripture
II. - Of God, and of the Holy Trinity
III. - Of God's Eternal Decree
IV. - Of Creation
V. - Of Providence
VI. - Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof
VII. - Of God's Covenant with Man
VIII. - Of Christ the Mediator
IX. - Of Free Will
X. - Of Effectual Calling
XI. - Of Justification
XII. - Of Adoption
XIII. - Of Sanctification
XIV. - Of Saving Faith
XV. - Of Repentance unto Life
XVI. - Of Good Works
XVII. - Of the Perseverance of the Saints
XVIII. - Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation
XIX. - Of the Law of God
XX. - Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience
XXI. - Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day
- Of Lawful Oaths and Vows
XXIII. - Of the Civil Magistrate
XXIV. - Of Marriage and Divorce
XXV. - Of the Church
XXVI. - Of the Communion of Saints
XXVII. - Of the Sacraments
XXVIII. - Of Baptism
XXIX. - Of the Lord's Supper
XXX. - Of Church Censures
XXXI. - Of Synods and Councils
XXXII. - Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the
XXXIII. - Of the Last Judgment
- Appendix:
The Reformed Faith and the Westminster Confession
Collection 11: Introduction to Logic
Introduction to Logic, John Robbins (18 lectures)
Introduction to Logic
Definition of Terms
Logic and Theology: The Westminster Confession
Informal Fallacies, Part 1
Informal Fallacies, Part 2
Logic and Theology: Christ's Use of Logic
- Definitions
- Formal
Logic and Theology: Paul's Use of Logic
Categorical Forms
Immediate Inference, Validity, Euler Circles
Logic and Theology: Empirical Apologetics
Homework Review
- The
Logic and Theology: Why Science Is Always False
Homework Review
- Conclusion
Logic and Theology: Vantillian Apologetics
Collection 12
Miscellaneous Lectures (6 lectures) - Gordon H. Clark
- The Clark-Hoover Debate: A Debate between Gordon H.Clark and David Hoover on epistemology
- The Inerrancy of the Bible
- A Defense of Christian Presuppositions in Light of Non-Christian Presuppositions
- A Contemporary Defense of the Bible
- Predestination in the Old Testament
- The Problem of Pietism and Non-Doctrinal Christianity
Collection 13: The Ronald W. Taber Memorial Lectures 2005
The Justification Controversy (5 lectures)
The Doctrine of Revelation
The Doctrine of Justification
The Theology of N. T. Wright
The Theology of Richard Gaffin and Norman Shepherd
The Auburn Avenue Theology
2004 Reformation Day Conference (4 lectures)
Forgotten Principles of the Reformation
The Reformation Betrayed
The Current Justification Controversy
Question and Answer Session
Collection 14
Miscellaneous Lectures (10 lectures) - John W. Robbins
- The Educational Establishment versus Civilization
- A Christian University
- Words, Faith Theological Seminary Commencement Address 2007
- Mysteries, Knowledge & Truth
- The New Covenant of Grace
- The Religious Wars of the 21st Century
- Islam 1
- Islam 2
- Islam 3
- Islam 4
Collection 15
The Church and the Doctrine on which She Stands or Falls (Justification by Faith Alone) (14 lectures) - John W. Robbins
- The Church Part 1
- The Church Part 2
- The Church Effeminate
- The Church Irrational
- Justification by Faith Alone Part 1
- Justification by Faith Alone Part 2
- Justification by Faith Alone Part 3
- Justification by Faith Alone Part 4
- Matthew 7:21-23
- Galatians 1:1-9
- Galatians 1:1-8
- Galatians 1:9-17
- Galatians 3:1-9
- James 2:14-22
Collection 16
The Bible Alone and Its Opponents
- The Bible Alone and Its Opponents - Introduction - Tom Juodaitis
- Absolute Biblical Truth Opposed by Roman Catholicism - Richard Bennett
- Ignore the Bible and Just Believe - Timothy Kauffman
- The Emergent Church Attacks Absolute Biblical Truth - Richard Bennett
- The Bible Alone in the Home - Mark Evans
- God's Editors Modern Protestant Hermeneutical Attacks on the Bible Alone - Timothy Kauffman
Collection 17
The Reformation at 500: Is It Over or Is It Needed Now More Than Ever?NEW
- The Reformation at 500 Introduction - Thomas W. Juodaitis
- The Jesuits and the Counter-Reformation - Christian J. Pinto
- The Reformation: Past, Present, and Future, Part 1 - Mark W. Evans
- The Reformation Is Not a Return to Pre-Reformation Darkness - Paul M. Elliott
- The Reformation: Past, Present, and Future, Part 2 - Mark W. Evans
- The Reformation Is Not Co-Belligerence with Unbelievers - Paul M. Elliott